
J. Douglas Fleenor

The Attorney You Want On Your Side

Every case is important to us - call us today!.


Our Promise?

"We always take care of our clients."

Welcome to J. Douglas Fleenor Law Firm. Since our founding by J. Douglas Fleenor in 1993, we have represented people who have experienced reckless driving charges, serious personal injury, the wrongful death of a family member, unjust criminal charges or the violation of their civil rights.

We represent people who have suffered injuries at the workplace, during recreational activities, or in automobile, trucking, motorcycle accidents. We take legal action based on products liability for injury or loss caused by defective products - equipment, toys, household products, etc.

We represent people who are the victims of employment discrimination, and bad faith execution of contracts by insurance companies, business entities, and service providers.

We are proud of our legacy of excellence. J. Douglas Fleenor is a highly effective and experienced attorney. We provide high-quality legal expertise, resources and support when we represent you.

J. Douglas Fleenor Attorney

Speeding Tickets


Traffic Offenses


Reckless Driving

Bristol Virginia

I-81 Bristol

Traffic Court

Practice Areas

Every case is very important to us and we always take care of them seriously.

Reckless Driving

If you've been ticketed for driving recklessly or other, there are benefits to working with an experienced attorney.

Speeding Tickets

Ticketed for driving too fast? Going 80 mph or less, you are fortunate — you were charged with a simple traffic offence. This is not as severe as a reckless driving charge

Family Law

We specialize in the family law relationships which encompass child custody, visitation rights, domestic violence, divorce, juvenile dependency and delinquency, marital property rights, support obligations, and paternity.


For a criminal defense lawyer in Bristol, Virginia, contact J. Douglas Fleenor Law Firm. We are committed to providing aggressive, and effective criminal defense services to clients in Bristol Virginia and around the Tri-Cities.

DUI Attorney

J. Douglas Fleenor Law Firm has offices in Bristol Virginia. If you wish to consult with our DUI/DWI/OUI/DUID attorney, please free to call 276-466-3502.

Traffic Offenses Attorney

J. Douglas Fleenor Law Firm Virginia traffic defense lawyer defend clients charged with moving violations.

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Get Free Consultation : 276 466 3502

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